Parish Council Status
Last November (2021) the Parish Meeting voted unanimously to begin the process of applying for Parish Council Status.
The first step is to get about 200-250 of the residents to sign a petition which asks the local authority to begin the review process. It is a fairly long journey so it will not happen tomorrow and we will need to have support from all the local elected SDDC councillors because they have the final say on our application.
A Parish meeting will need people prepared to be councillors. The role is not political and should not be onerous. A prime requirement is “someone who cares”! People who get things done!
Our little Hamlet will grow to have a population of about 6500 in a few years and will be the largest population centre in South Derbyshire outside of Swadlincote. It deserves a higher level of local representation and the services which go with it. A Parish Council can help make that happen.